- Functional SEO tips to extend the reaches of your business -
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Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving the quality and quantity of website traffic to a website or a web page from search engines. SEO targets unpaid traffic rather than direct traffic or paid traffic.

Pellentesque sagittis rhoncus dictum. Nunc semper interdum lacinia. Aenean at suscipit sem, sit amet gravida massa. Sed rhoncus massa tincidunt euismod condimentum. Mauris dignissim neque eu tortor tempus tincidunt. Mauris dignissim malesuada molestie. Sed fermentum mauris vitae sodales aliquam. Cras sed elit sit amet ipsum pretium mattis. Fusce malesuada tincidunt lacinia. Maecenas dignissim porta massa, non tempor massa rhoncus id. Suspendisse pretium in purus et vestibulum. Aenean pellentesque hendrerit viverra.

A brand is a voice and a product is a souvenir.
- Lisa Gansky

Pointers to Consider

  • Sed dictum pharetra dignissim. Morbi vitae orci odio.
  • Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.
  • Praesent vitae pharetra diam. Mauris bibendum tristique mauris.

Cras ultrices mattis neque quis tempor. Maecenas mattis, orci non ultrices ultrices, dui leo rutrum nibh, eu maximus est nisl a nunc. Morbi et lorem risus. Fusce dolor sem, tincidunt gravida sagittis ut, varius eget massa. Vestibulum sollicitudin venenatis purus, id hendrerit nulla porta sed. Morbi at mauris ut mi faucibus tincidunt ac at purus. In ligula augue, aliquam ac auctor nec, dignissim at enim. Vestibulum id massa pretium, pulvinar purus ut, varius tortor.

Create Content Around Primary and Secondary Keywords

The line extension brand growth strategy involves creating additional products in response to consumer needs. A closer look at line extension strategy would be easier to see from an example. Apple introduced the iPhone Plus for the first time, with the release of the 6. The iPhone Plus was born to satisfy consumers who are looking for a bigger screen. Now, they can have their iPhone the way it suits them best. This growth strategy benefits Apple because it captures consumers who may have considered one of Apple's competitors. Instead of losing those potential customers, Apple has found a profitable way to serve them.

Use Short, Descriptive URLs

Brand extension strategy involves the introduction of a new brand, in a new market, after consolidating your brands' name in a related field. This brand strategy can be seen in Hershey Foods Inc. They make Twizzlers, and since they have done well in satisfying the market for chewy candy snacks, perhaps Twizzler Bites might reach a new market.

Generate Backlinks From High Site Authority Websites

The new brand strategy is when a firm creates a new brand to go along with a new product. The new brand strategy is the most costly, since starting a new brand includes costs such as advertising, sales personnel, manufacturing costs and more. Frito Lay has created many different salty snacks under different brand names including Doritos, and Cheetos. Although this brand growth strategy is the most costly it can also reap the most benefits if done correctly. By introducing an entirely new product to the market you will be able to capture market share by serving different ends of the spectrum.

Phasellus in viverra dui, blandit bibendum dolor. Sed feugiat consequat ante, at lobortis ante faucibus sed. Etiam elementum elementum lobortis. Suspendisse at est mattis, imperdiet augue vitae, aliquet ligula. Aliquam eros turpis, egestas vitae ullamcorper sed, condimentum sit amet leo. Cras nulla purus, tempor et gravida sed, lobortis et tellus. Curabitur a arcu rutrum, dignissim mauris in, bibendum sem.